Import Products

Import your products easily and quickly with Import Products!

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Import Products
Developed by WiziShop
Available worldwide


  • Quick and easy import of products into your catalog
  • Ability to load a CSV file with different separators and encodings
  • Preview of data loading before final import


Import Products is a practical and efficient tool to import products into your online catalog. With this service, you can easily import or update a CSV file containing your products and their information, directly from your store. With Product Import, importing your catalog is fast and secure! You can choose to import a CSV file (5 MB maximum or 500 lines maximum), with semicolon separators and Western European encoding (ISO-8859-1). The first line of your file must be dedicated to the names of the information, classified by column. Once your file is loaded, you can define which columns to import and which information they correspond to. You will also have a preview interface before importing that allows you to check if all the information is well associated. If the references or IDs of your products already exist, the existing products will be updated automatically. New products will be created if this is not the case. Finally, importing is simple and risk-free: once you have uploaded your file and confirmed the import of the data, all you have to do is wait for the processing to be completed! Thanks to Product Import, save time and import products quickly and easily into your online catalog!

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